Roofing contractors are not unbiased inspectors. They make their living selling labor, not inspecting roofs. Repair divisions for a roof company are their profit center. To keep that center profitable they must repair roofs. A roofing contractor does not stay in business inspecting roofs for free. We provide unbiased, not connected to a manufacturer or a contractor, roof audit inspections designed to protect your owner's assets and provide a long term watertight roof system.
Sometimes roofs leak. This results in interior damage, strained tenant relationships and having to call a roofing contractor to stop the leak. Waiting for a roof to leak then calling a contractor is a reactive not a proactive roof approach to maintaining the value of your owner's roof assets.
We provide a proactive approach by providing roof audit inspections which will delineate present and future roof problems, provide a repair scope of work if repairs are needed so roofing contractors can bid apples to apples, project anticipated roof life expectancy and develop present and 5-year budget roof cost.
Most manufacturers have specific language in their warranty which states that a Failure by the owner to use reasonable care in maintaining the roof shall make the warranty null and void. Manufacturers also recommend periodic roof system evaluation to ensure the roof system is performing as intended. Besides the roof components, we inspect duct work, metal curb caps, masonry, wood wall components, sealants, wall coping caps, counter flashings, drains and drain inserts, and walk pads/pavers that are not covered under the warranty. If these items are not inspected and kept watertight they could jeopardize the waterproofing integrity of the roof system.
Basically you will not know if the repair was done right until it rains or you have somebody inspect the repairs to verify completion of the work before you pay the bill. A service we offer after we prepare a scope of repair work, evaluate the contractor bids and the work is completed is to re-inspect the roof repairs before you pay the bill. If the repairs are not done properly the roofing contractor will be notified by us to do the proper repair. When we re-inspect the roof repairs again the cost of our re-inspection will be deducted from the contractors billing.